Welcome to the Canine Shoulder Injury Mini-course

This course is geared towards the competitive dog owner and the pet parent. Professionals may gain some insight and learn an improved way of communicating with their clients.

Topics covered include: anatomy of the shoulder (muscles, bones, joint, and structure), common shoulder injuries (inherited and acquired), treatments options (surgery and rehabilitation), and prevention strategies.

Open for Full Access Enrollment

Becoming The Total Canine

I started agility after finishing my swimming career in 2000. After graduating from vet school I had many agility competitors come to me when something was wrong with their dog's performance. But I hadn't learned anything about this in vet school! With the help of mentors I found a path to the creation of The Total Canine.

I began sharing my knowledge in 2012, first in person, then online. My border collie Stig was the inspiration for many exercises including my creation of Jumping Gymnastics with Sarah Stremming and Jump Into Shape!

I'm excited to find a new platform to bring my knowledge to dog enthusiasts around the world.